
Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Construction of Celebrity: Arnold

Now that the Terminator is no longer governor of California he has time to continue on acting as he had. But before leaving office he played a small cameo acting, almost parodying himself, in The Expendables. It revisits his role as the big action hero protagonist purely because he is in a movie with other action hero geezers. Hero Complex argues that The Expendables was Arnold's first step back into the old way of things.

Anyway, Arnold's first lead role since a long time was The Last Stand. Didn't see it myself but I can still say that it looks like the action movies he became known for. From what Ben Kendrick says in his critique of the movie he believes that Arnold embraces his character and fully satiates those jokes we saw too much in The Expendables series. The actor also continues his old look with what you would say is the larger-than-life hero.

I guess, from what I've seen, what others have said about The Last Stand, and from the list of futures titles for Arnold on imdb, there isn't anything new to expect other than more of the old same... And also what we've seen Bruce Willis do since... I don't even know... maybe Surrogates?

I feel that since Arnold is playing his age card intertextuality comes naturally. They depict him to be the guy whose done everything in The Expendables, even though he's in it for maybe a solid 3 minutes. In The Last Stand he's old, and he's old in real life. He's really just going with the flow in my opinion.

If I were Arnold I don't know if I'd want to reshape my image. I'm having trouble finding something that he can go to now that he hasn't already sort of covered. He's been in action and comedy. For giggles lets say that Arnold wanted to change his image from what he is now, build up by all of his past experiences, to an actor that nobody really respects anymore like Charlie Sheen. All Arnold would have to do is get into some trouble first, more trouble than he has now, and the entertainment media would do a lot of the ground work for him. Once that plaster of 'bad actor' is molded he can go into some acting roles playing less heroic characters than he has played in the past. More importantly less decisive and powerful. With these less solid characters people would change their image of the strong body builder to that of a plain old actor.


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