
Thursday, April 11, 2013

5. Weakness

I chose to critique number 3 and number 7 of David Rendall’s "FREAK FACTOR".

Number 3. Flawless: There’s nothing wrong with you. I find this to be true mostly because of Rendall’s comparison chart between strengths and weaknesses. As I read through the list one by one all of them struck me to be true. I would implement this idea into my own life by taking that flowchart. When I eventually get into positions where I am working with other people more closely I would begin compiling my own personal list of personality traits of my bosses, co-workers, and subordinates. Using the chart, I would also include the corresponding weakness or strength to that person even if I have not seen that trait personified. I believe that this will help me choose what types of people I should work with in my future to best promote myself.

Number 7. Fit: Find the right spot. I wanted to talk about this point in particular because I realized how I was already following this rule without knowing that it was already a rule. I am currently a producer, assistant director, technical director, gaffer, studio lighter, studio engineer, script supervisor, editor, and assistant camera on four different student groups, one of which I founded this year. Next year I will be producing and directing two different AVW shows (one of which I created and pitched this year). The point of that wasn’t just to tell you what I’ve done this year at OU (some of it definitely was) the main point was to explain how I’ve already implemented this rule on myself. I rotate around, doing different jobs, so I can find my niche. In my future I don’t plan on stopping this rotation of work. I want to always be branching out into other opportunities and jobs to see if I will fit them even better.

I’ve found that my “weakness” is social ability. I am organized, dedicated, calm, reflective, self-confident, passionate, and responsible. Looking at Rendall’s chart in suggestion three that means I am also inflexible, stubborn, emotionless, shy, arrogant, impatient, and boring.  I believe that all of these traits are true. Unfortunately, none of Rendall’s additions are sociable traits. What I usually do with my time is work on personal projects and pursue my interests. You can find me in the library during the late hours of the weekend. The way I see my social network is that of a few close friends and just a lot of acquaintances, regrettably, neither of which I spend a decent amount of time with. This greatly hampers my ability to network with peers.

However, I’ve turned my weakness into strength. Knowing that I don’t like to party or spend long amounts of time just talking I have taken up expanding on my knowledge of computer coding, specifically in Apple products. The only reason I’m going to have such lucky opportunities next year are because of the weekends I’ve spend honing my ideas and broadening my knowledge. I have also been able to bridge the networking gap by utilizing my strengths of organization. I founded a video group and brought in everyone I knew so that they would bring in their friends for me to meet them. Hopefully I will continue to be able to overcome my weaknesses with creativity and ingenuity. 

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