
Thursday, April 11, 2013

4. Personal Essay

I feel that my life in college has accelerated my natural mental development. I find myself realizing the importance of mantras. I am beginning to be more affected by words and their deeper meaning. Most importantly I am forming my own ethical code. What I intend to do with my education in media arts and studies is the same thing I would do with any other major; I would innovate. As of late I’ve been wondering more about my purpose as a person and I’ve realized that to feel satisfied with myself I must stand out. I am not somebody who enjoys being in the pack. The reason I like jazz music is because the performers don’t just play their instrument; they use the instrument as a medium to convey what they feel.
Me and jazz music

I believe that to achieve the level of creativity I want I must innovate a current medium of media we use now. When I first heard The Mercury Theater on the Air perform War of the Worlds I was enthralled. I had never heard of anything like that done over the radio. More recently, I purchased Bioshock Infinite and blazed through the game because I had never played any video game with such a complex storyline.

I think that to best achieve the ability and influence to create such an innovation I want to become a television producer. Using the skills I will develop from such a job, the money I will accrue, and the connections I will have I would begin my own research into developing an innovative media based off of what is already (meaning will be in the future) available to the public.

If I were to compare what I want to historical figures in the past the one I would start with is Frank Conrad and the first regular broadcasting radio station KDKA. Frank Conrad did not invent the radio nor was he the first to being broadcasting. What is special about KDKA is that it was the first with regular, commercial broadcasting. Take Orsen Welles and The Mercury Theater on the Air they neither invented storytelling nor the radio, but they combined the two to create an innovation.

When I am able to begin my own development on an innovation the first place I will look is the video game market. I find that there is a lot of improvement waiting to be had in video games. If more games like the Bioshock series are released the gaps will begin to fill but there are also new mediums of video games being developed and I think that when my future comes the largest technological strides in media will be in the Internet and video games.

Because I want to do both producing and game development, I think that Integrated Media would be the best major fit for my pursuits. However, I am also up for what you may think is a better destination for my future. 

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